Rubber Granulators Logo image Rubber Granulators, Inc.

Horse Arena Footing

Rubber chips provide a modern, cushioned surface in your arena to relieve stress on horse joints. Spreading a layer of rubber chips on your arena surface improves drainage, performance, and comfort while reducing dust, compaction, and fatigue.

horse arena image 2
click to enlarge


Rubber chips offer more cushion than hard-packed arena surfaces which reduces compression stress on equine leg joints. Rubber granules resist compaction better than sand or dirt.

Our arena surface products are made from 100% recycled scrap tires. We magnetically remove at least 99.9% of the metal contained in scrap tires in order to protect your animals' feet. Rubber is very durable and offers a long service life.

horse arena rubber
click to enlarge

Dust Control

Rubber chips increase soil porosity, enabling water to better penetrate the soil. Many of the chips contain embedded cord, such as nylon, rayon, or polyester, which absorb moisture when watered. This moisture rentention promotes dust control in your arena, while reducing the frequency of watering.

horse arena image
click to enlarge

How Much Will I Need?

A depth of one or two inches of rubber chips is all that is required to provide you with noticeable benefits. Deeper layers of rubber chips provide negligible benefits.

Use the following chart to calculate the amount of material you require.

# of 
Cubic Yards   
Square Feet 
@ 3/4" Thick   
Square Feet 
@ 1" Thick   
1     2.4     1,036     777    
2   4.8   2,072   1,554  
3   7.2   3,104   2,331  
4   9.6   4,144   3,108  
5   12.0   5,180   3,885  
6   14.4   6,216   4,662  
7   16.8   7,252   5,439  
8   19.2   8,288   6,216  
9   21.6   9,324   6,993  
10   24.0   10,360   7,770  

How Much Will This Cost?

Several sizes of rubber granules are available.

Price/Ton    Price/Bag   
1/4" tire   $300.00   $330.00  
1/2" tire   $225.00   $247.50  
3/8" tread   $350.00   $385.00  
There are 2,200 lbs in a Bag.
The 1/4" and 1/2" have fiber/textile in the product for moisture absorbtion.
The 3/8" tread granules have little to none.

We also have some material available with additional fiber/textile content.
- Please call if you are interested -


Rubber chips are typically delivered on a semi-trailer. Be sure you have space to unload a 75' long semi. You will also need to arrange for a forklift or other capable equipment for unloading.